Tuesday, 30 August 2011

ICT Expo


Hi everyone. Tonight is the ICT expo. This is an opportunity for parents and children to come to school together. The children are showing their wonderful ICT learning to their parents. Please make sure that all children come! The times are as below:

5:30pm - 6:15pm Junior children are sharing their learning with their parents in communties 4-7.
6:15pm - 6:30pm Supper will be served in the hall for parents and children.
6:30pm - 7:15pm Senior children are sharing their learning with their parents in communities 1-3.

We expect all children to be here. Junior children should arrive from 5:20pm to get themselves set up. Please ring school and ask to speak to Denise or Wendy if you have any questions.

I look forward to seeing you all tonight.
From Denise Johnson

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Reading with your child

Hi everyone,
Welcome to Term 3! 
If you are free on Wednesday 10th August and would like some fantastic tips on reading with your child:

Pause, Prompt, Praise
Our Resource Teacher of Literacy (RTLit), Murray Greig, is running a parent's session in the school staff room on Wednesday 10th August. The session will run from 9.00 - 10.30am.
He will cover some useful techniques on how to support your child with their reading. Please let Wendy know if you are interested in attending this session. wendy@southbridge.school.nz  

We are going to be working really hard on reading and spelling this term. Please encourage your child to read at home, you don't need to be a long time spent on reading or spelling, often quick, snappy sessions are just as beneficial as longer ones. Especially if they are regular! Practicing spelling words in the car, putting up spelling lists at home (especially on the fridge or on their doors) and getting your child to read a recipe to you are some ways of encouraging them to read and spell. 

This week we have been making up sentences to help us spell words, one that Brie made for down - donkey's only wear necklaces.
The best way to get your child reading/writing/spelling - make it fun!

Have a great week!