Hi everyone. Tonight is the ICT expo. This is an opportunity for parents and children to come to school together. The children are showing their wonderful ICT learning to their parents. Please make sure that all children come! The times are as below:
5:30pm - 6:15pm Junior children are sharing their learning with their parents in communties 4-7.
6:15pm - 6:30pm Supper will be served in the hall for parents and children.
6:30pm - 7:15pm Senior children are sharing their learning with their parents in communities 1-3.
We expect all children to be here. Junior children should arrive from 5:20pm to get themselves set up. Please ring school and ask to speak to Denise or Wendy if you have any questions.
I look forward to seeing you all tonight.
From Denise Johnson
Educational Activities
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Reading with your child
Hi everyone,
Welcome to Term 3!
If you are free on Wednesday 10th August and would like some fantastic tips on reading with your child:
Pause, Prompt, Praise
Our Resource Teacher of Literacy (RTLit), Murray Greig, is running a parent's session in the school staff room on Wednesday 10th August. The session will run from 9.00 - 10.30am.
He will cover some useful techniques on how to support your child with their reading. Please let Wendy know if you are interested in attending this session.
Our Resource Teacher of Literacy (RTLit), Murray Greig, is running a parent's session in the school staff room on Wednesday 10th August. The session will run from 9.00 - 10.30am.
He will cover some useful techniques on how to support your child with their reading. Please let Wendy know if you are interested in attending this session.
We are going to be working really hard on reading and spelling this term. Please encourage your child to read at home, you don't need to be a long time spent on reading or spelling, often quick, snappy sessions are just as beneficial as longer ones. Especially if they are regular! Practicing spelling words in the car, putting up spelling lists at home (especially on the fridge or on their doors) and getting your child to read a recipe to you are some ways of encouraging them to read and spell.
This week we have been making up sentences to help us spell words, one that Brie made for down - donkey's only wear necklaces.
The best way to get your child reading/writing/spelling - make it fun!
Have a great week!
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Te Reo Maori - Food and Drink
Hi everyone!
Well that was a shaky start to the week! The children coped very well and looked after each other amazingly well, ka pai Com 3!
I have just found a cool website to practise speaking Te Reo Maori. It is fantastic and I think the kids will enjoy it! I have added it to the tabs at the top of the blog. Please have a play around with the website and encourage the kids to have a go!
Hope you all are okay and have a settled week!
Well that was a shaky start to the week! The children coped very well and looked after each other amazingly well, ka pai Com 3!
I have just found a cool website to practise speaking Te Reo Maori. It is fantastic and I think the kids will enjoy it! I have added it to the tabs at the top of the blog. Please have a play around with the website and encourage the kids to have a go!
Hope you all are okay and have a settled week!
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Baa Baa Smart Sheep!
Here are Emily and Merryn reading straight onto the computer. We discovered how easy it was today, and how fun it is! Watch this space for more of your children reading for the blog. This lets the children hear their own reading. This makes it easier for them to correct mistakes and see what strategies they are using themselves, a very useful tool! If you have voice recorder on your cellphone let them record themselves, they will love it! Another interesting way to get them reading :)
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
My sunny world!!!
In my sunny world there are lots of suns
even when Iam feeling glum.
And my suns are always shining bright
even when I need that light.
I love my sun
even when Iam feeling glum.
And my suns are always shining bright
even when I need that light.
I love my sun
I always have a lot of fun!!!!
If I Had A Penguin!!!
If I had a penguin
I would spin it all around.
I would make a funny sound.
If I had a penguin
do you know what i'd do?
If I had a penguin
I would give it to you!
I would spin it all around.
I would make a funny sound.
If I had a penguin
do you know what i'd do?
If I had a penguin
I would give it to you!
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Bumble bees buzz!!!
Bumble bees buzz like fireflies
lightning up all our skies.
Ice cream is cold
so it dosen't mold.
Monkeys eat bananas
so they don't attract igunas
Butterflies are pretty
because they fly around the city.
All because bumble bees buzz.
By Nina and Neve.
lightning up all our skies.
Ice cream is cold
so it dosen't mold.
Monkeys eat bananas
so they don't attract igunas
Butterflies are pretty
because they fly around the city.
All because bumble bees buzz.
By Nina and Neve.
Jelly bean world!
Jelly beans are coloured beans full of lovely flavour!
I'll eat them and scoff them those I shall savour.
scrummy scrummy scrummy jelly beans are yummy.
jelly beans come in different colours and shades
each one of them have been specially made!
By Nina and Neve.
I'll eat them and scoff them those I shall savour.
scrummy scrummy scrummy jelly beans are yummy.
jelly beans come in different colours and shades
each one of them have been specially made!
By Nina and Neve.
Hi com 3 i hope you had a good time on the computers i did.From Zahara
Good morning com 3 did you like the compputers I did . I enjoyed them because I tried something new did you! .Did it seem easy for you to get on to the computers!From Mackenzie
Introducing Ellie

Hello my name is Joshua and this is my friend Ellie. Ellie is are friend that people in Com3 get to take home we get to take home every night. It's always a surprise who gets to take Ellie home.
Monday, 9 May 2011
Bravo Zac!
Zac got to take Ellie home for the weekend because he guessed Ms Welch's number. She couldn't choose who from Com 3 got to take home Ellie because they were SO well behaved. Com 3 - you rock!
Zac and Ellie practised back flips on the trampoline. They also honed their tree climbing skills, who knew elephants could climb trees!
Zac and Ellie practised back flips on the trampoline. They also honed their tree climbing skills, who knew elephants could climb trees!
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Orana Park
At Orana park we saw all kinds of animals like lions and tigers. the lions were starting to fight. Their claws scratched each other and they hit each other with their tails. Merryn's group pretended they were chickens and the lions came up to us because they like to eat chickens. The lions were stalking us and they were cool!
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
All of Community Three have their own password and username to use on Mathletics. I hope you have fun! You only have 2 weeks to trail this! For those families who don't have the internet or computers your children will be getting their chance at school. I will be getting as many children on Mathletics each day as possible in amongst the normal school day!
For those of you who have children that have been on Mathletics already, did they like it? Please let me know what they are enjoying or if it is too tricky, or too easy!
For those of you who have children that have been on Mathletics already, did they like it? Please let me know what they are enjoying or if it is too tricky, or too easy!
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Elephant Facts
Did you know there are two types of elephants?
- There are Asian and African types of elephants.
- African elephants have the big ears and the Asian elephants have the small ears.
- the girl Asian elephant has no tusks.
- The boy and girl African elephants DO have tusks.
We have a question for you...
Which elephant has two fingers on the end of its trunk?
From Charlie and Merryn
The blog

Kia ora!
We are the start of the blog committee in Com 3. We get to learn how to put stuff on the blog and then we will teach other people. We are learning to put photos onto the blog, and write a post!
From Charlie and Merryn
Monday, 28 March 2011
Ellie's Family for the Night
Congratulations to Lennox - you earned Ellie today for following instructions and being on task all through the day! Good work Lennox!
I will put up a list of all the children who have had Ellie and missed their names on here tomorrow!
I will put up a list of all the children who have had Ellie and missed their names on here tomorrow!
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Welcome Miss Timpson!!!
Community Three is lucky enough to have Miss Timpson to spend time with us! Jan is a third year student at Canterbury Uni and has two beautiful children. She is really enjoying getting to know your children and is having lots of fun in the class.
Friday, 11 March 2011
Ellie's Family for the Night
Congratulations Neve for earning Ellie yesterday! She is so switched on!
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Ellie's Family for the Night
Mackenzie was so brave at Zones Swimming Sports, she tried really hard in a race she wasn't too keen on and she did really well! Go Mackenzie! Ellie decided she wanted to find out more about this 'Zones thing' so she went home with Mackenzie.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
On the day of the earthquake I was at my table eating my lunch. And then my table and my chair started to shake. I shoved my chair out the way and I got under table. I could hear stuff rattling and I could see everything moving. It was lucky I had my friends to touch. After it stopped I got out of the table and I said "when it struck I could still taste my apple." When it stopped I held on to my friends they smelled terrified. We went out to the field. Then we came back and I ate under the table. And then it started to shake, another one hit. I started to cry. Some other girls went to Linda . I calmed down from the quake. Some girls calmed down quickly, some didn't. Then we watched a movie, Tinkerbell. We didn't watch all of it. Instead we did some writing. Then the bell rang to go home. I was going on the bus. I was scared that a quake would happen when we were on the bus and it would tip over. But it didn't and I got home safely!
By Neve
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Christchurch is Crumbling!
On the day of the earthquake I was sitting at a table eating my yummy bun and the table started to shake. Then our teacher Mrs Mellish shouted “DROP!” so I shoved the chair out of my way and slid under the table as quick as I could. Once I was under the table I could hear rumbling noises as well as I could see our class table rattle with fear. But I knew I was with my friends because I could smell them. I made sure I was clasped onto the table leg just in case a light or something fell onto me I would die or get badly injured. When the earthquake had all gone away we had to walk out in two neat straight lines onto the grassy field. Then the teachers would read out our names from the roll. When your name was called out you would have to sit onto the wet patchy ground. Once we were all back to normal in our classes eating the last of our lunch I decided I would eat under the table and lucky I did because after that another quake struck the school. I started crying because I missed my guinea pigs. Daisy and Neve were sad too, they are my friends. Daisy missed her animals and Neve was scared. But I had one friend that was kind and caring to me and Neve, that is Mackenzie. Miss Dolamore said I could go to Linda, another teacher, so I went with Linda. Linda was in the office near the friendship seat with some toys and pillows. There were some other kids there too.
Alison, our librarian, organised us to go to the library where we watched Tinkerbell.I didn’t watch Tinkerbell, I did some sketching. I wondered when mum would come because Mr V said he would ring. Finally Mum came so I asked her to check my guinea pigs. Happily she accepted my question and checked. When she came back she said they were all right, I was certain that was true. I decided to draw, not watch Tinkerbell. I soon became bored of drawing so we went to the classroom to pack my bag. Once that was done the bell rang and mum picked me up with Daisy and Katelyn. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day!
Paki Whitu
Here they are performing Paki Whitu. We have also made up our own actions, get your children to show you some of the extra ones!
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Monty the Magical Monkey!
Once upon a time there lived a very young monkey named Monty. Monty had always wanted to be a super hero. When he wanted to show a magic power to his mum all she said was ‘’ahhh’’and went on what she was doing before and Monty always sighed and got really annoyed! One day Monty was trying to make a magic trick but suddenly his ears got so big they turned into a red,orange, and yellow couler and pink in the inside. He could see things behind him and he could not belive it! He had TWO SETS OF EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!! And his nose could smell danger. It was a miracle. Guess what his finger turned GOLD but he didn’t know what would happen to his finger. Monty was feling very hungery and he said I wish their was a banana I could eat and belive it or not the leaves turned into bananas man I’ve had good luck today!!!!! Monty gobbled all of the bananas up and then took a walk down the street but suddenly he got lost but he new what to do so he looked at his belly button and he was going south and south is out of the jungle’’oh no’’Monty said I better start running north. Monty heard something running behind him so he turned his head and ... there was a LION! Ahhhhhhh Monty screamed and he ran his heart out. ‘’Finally’’ he said ‘’ made it ‘’and it was really hot ‘’I better get my fan out and use my golden finger to have a banana’’. Monty the magical monkey was safe and sound and lived happily ever after.
By Emily Carter!!!!!
Monday, 14 February 2011
Community Three
Here is what we were up to today, we are creating mosaics for the Flower Show on Friday. We have got lots of work to do but they are looking great so far!
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Welcome to our blog!
Kia ora friends and whanau of Community Three! Welcome to our blog. We will be adding things onto here periodically and can't wait to share our learning with you. Please leave us a message or comment, we love getting feedback! Let us know what you would like to see more of on our blog and we will do our very best to include it!
Talk again soon!
Community Three
Talk again soon!
Community Three
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